Wow! I'm actually posting on my own blog... not just on Kaylen's!!!
As I was taking the photos for this post, I realized just how many WIP's (works in progress) I really have! (and these don't include the ones I have completely forgotten about and have stashed in the back of closets somewhere)
I think I will start from oldest to most recent...
Here's the Monk's Bag that I've been working on for FOREVER!!!! I actually have all the pieces knit up and I just need to put it together... but honestly, I HATE piecing things together so it will probably just sit in this box for another 6 months.

Next, there is the Sprinkles Sweater for Kaylen. All I need to do is sew on the buttons. Sounds easy... which is why its not done yet... I keep saying "Oh, I'll just sew those on later". It won't fit her until next winter anyway. :-)

Then we have a little sundress... also for Kaylen (this kid is spoiled!) I'm at a stage now where I need to pay attention and keep track of decreases, so I don't get to knit on it a whole lot.... as in, Kaylen won't let me pay much attention to anything other than her right now.

Up next is my latest spinning efforts. Mom bought me a whole bunch of fluff (rovings) for Christmas and I've started spinning some of it. I have to admit, I'm impressing myself with the progress I've made with my spinning skills.

And here's my THIRD Kaylen project.... A little sweater that I couldn't help starting even though I have other projects on the go. The yarn was so soft and fluffy to knit and it felt so nice on the needles... and it has a nice FAST guage of 16 st = 4".... I mean, come on, this one will whip up in no time.

And last, but not least, (okay, maybe least) is a mountain of dishclothes. (and the mountain keeps growing!!!) These are being knit because the ones I have are starting to wear out.... but mostly because I can knit them while holding Kaylen, watching TV, or taking a nap... Okay maybe not while taking a nap, but almost!
As I was taking the photos for this post, I realized just how many WIP's (works in progress) I really have! (and these don't include the ones I have completely forgotten about and have stashed in the back of closets somewhere)
I think I will start from oldest to most recent...
Here's the Monk's Bag that I've been working on for FOREVER!!!! I actually have all the pieces knit up and I just need to put it together... but honestly, I HATE piecing things together so it will probably just sit in this box for another 6 months.

Next, there is the Sprinkles Sweater for Kaylen. All I need to do is sew on the buttons. Sounds easy... which is why its not done yet... I keep saying "Oh, I'll just sew those on later". It won't fit her until next winter anyway. :-)

Then we have a little sundress... also for Kaylen (this kid is spoiled!) I'm at a stage now where I need to pay attention and keep track of decreases, so I don't get to knit on it a whole lot.... as in, Kaylen won't let me pay much attention to anything other than her right now.

Up next is my latest spinning efforts. Mom bought me a whole bunch of fluff (rovings) for Christmas and I've started spinning some of it. I have to admit, I'm impressing myself with the progress I've made with my spinning skills.

And here's my THIRD Kaylen project.... A little sweater that I couldn't help starting even though I have other projects on the go. The yarn was so soft and fluffy to knit and it felt so nice on the needles... and it has a nice FAST guage of 16 st = 4".... I mean, come on, this one will whip up in no time.

And last, but not least, (okay, maybe least) is a mountain of dishclothes. (and the mountain keeps growing!!!) These are being knit because the ones I have are starting to wear out.... but mostly because I can knit them while holding Kaylen, watching TV, or taking a nap... Okay maybe not while taking a nap, but almost!

Wow, either Kaylen is being extra, extra good today or Daddy is home and holding her while Mommy makes the long, picture filled post!
Marlene, at 10:40 p.m.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.I started reading your blog from baby bumpers. I'm going to check out your daughter's blog too now. Happy 2 months Kaylen!
Montreal Mama, at 8:16 p.m.
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