Buster N Me

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bear # 2

Meet bear #2! This one is for a friend's little girl. Monkey hasn't met this bear... I'm sure he wouldn't let me give her away if he did.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Monkey's New Friend

I was at the yarn shop with my Mom the other day.... We only went in there to show off the dinosaur... By the way, I have chosen the name Thor (thanks angharad)
The owner of the shop happened to be making a teddy bear out of this cool new yarn called "sprinkles" by King Cole Ltd. I couldn't resist.
Monkey LOVES his new cuddly little buddy.

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The pattern called for 2 balls but I managed to make the bear with only one, so I exchanged the second ball for another colour and will be making another one for a friend. (if Monkey will let me give it away!)


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