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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Camp Dog

A few weeks ago, we took Charlie on what we thought was going to be his first camping trip. I think we were wrong, he must've been camping before. He was so well behaved at the campsite that we didn't even need to keep him on a leash! (and there were even other dogs at a nearby site!) He seemed super happy to be exploring the "wild forest" around our campsite and he just loved hanging out by the fire.
We had no room in the cab of the truck (we gave one of jer's friends a ride out there) so Charlie had to sit in the back with all the gear.... I was really worried about him at first but then it became obvious that he had done that before too. He just settled himself into a comfy spot and sat there sniffing all the "new smells" the whole way.
What really tops it all off though, is when we got out the canoe. We were wondering if we could even get him IN the canoe, let alone keep him from tipping us over.... but, once again, Charlie showed us a thing or two. He just hopped in and sat down! He was so good! At one point we thought he was going to jump in but he was actually just leaning over to have a drink of water before he sat back down. Charlie is AWESOME!!!

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