Buster N Me

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow Day

I got snowed in yesterday and got to stay home from work.... but I did accomplish something.

I finished up this "striped stocking cap" from "Knit Baby Head & Toe".... it turned out a little too big I think, but oh well, she can wear it a bit later than I hoped.

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I also whipped up this super-soft little beanie from the same book.
The pattern called for chenille, but I found this irresistible yarn by Patons called "Be Mine"... It is soooooo soft!
I took a hint from the last hat and decided to knit this one with WAY smaller needles than the pattern called for and I think it came out a better size for a newborn.

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I almost want one for myself! :-)

Under Construction

The baby's room is coming along nicely.... thanks to my Dad (baby's Grandpa).
The ceiling has a fresh coat of paint, the walls are painted, the window and door have brand new trim... its really going to look great!

My Grandma (baby's Great-Grandma) made this beautiful blanket... doesn't it just go PERFECTLY with the paint colour!?!?!?

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She also sent this super-cute little mint-coloured sweater.

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This baby is getting spoiled and she's not even here yet! ;-)


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