Hey everybody! It's me, Monkey! My Mom has been so bizzy since her wedding that she haznt put any pictures on her blog yet......so I thot I wood be a good monkey and put some on heer for her! I haf to tell you that i'm kinda mad at my mom rite now and this is why. SHE LEFT ME IN A SUITCASE ON HER HONEYMOON!!! Can you beleev it??? She said it wuz cuz i wuz being naughty at the wedding. I dont think i wuz though. Heer is some pictures of me at the wedding..... what do you think? Wuz i being naughty?This is me being good....and this is me having some cake.... (still being good, rite?)
and this is me having a little glass of wine
and this is me having a little bottle of wine
.... and another bottle.....
Then i felt kinda sick.... but that's not being bad!!! That's just learning!!!
Sooooo, Mom told me i wuznt allowed to have any more wine...... so i didn't.....
I had some beer instead.....
..... and some coolers.....
And then I "passed out" (or so they all tell me)
Okay, okay, maybe i was a LITTLE bit naughty.
Just for the record, my mom DID let me out of the suitcase when we got to Grandma's house.
I have some pictures from my visit there that I will put on here soon.
(Grandma made me a super-cool sweater that I can't wait to show you all!!!)