yet another hobby
A few weeks ago I went to a "spin-in" with my Mom.
I didn't really know what to expect. To be honest, I didn't really think I would like spinning that much. I was wrong. I had a really good time. Everybody there was super nice.... and to my surprise, the spinning was fun too.
I'm not good at it..... but I'm making progress. I was doing "okay" at the spin-in with Mom watching and teaching me, but when I got home and tried spinning a couple days later.... not so good. In fact, I would go so far as to say I was pathetic.
I have been practicing with a huge bag of "fluff" (new to the spinning terminology - sorry to all you spinners) to practice on. I am getting better.
Here is my first bobbin (which I totally swore at and gave up) next to my second bobbin... Yes, there is progress.

I still have a bunch of the white fluff left to keep practicing.....

which is a good thing because Mom bought me 100g (?) of this cool blue-faced something-or-other. I wrote the name down somewhere but can't find it right this minute. Anyway... I want to get a little better before I attempt spinning the better stuff so I don't just ruin it.

One of the vendors had a Huge ball of that stuff on top of their display. Mom and I were admiring all the different "fluffs" people had for sale and I mentioned that I wanted THAT ball of fluff. While i was spinning away, she snuck over and bought a wad of it for me. :-) Thanks Mom!
I also won a door prize!!! YAY!!! I won some pink fluff. (Merino)
Mom said Merino is harder to spin so I will save it for a while until I'm "ready".
I didn't really know what to expect. To be honest, I didn't really think I would like spinning that much. I was wrong. I had a really good time. Everybody there was super nice.... and to my surprise, the spinning was fun too.
I'm not good at it..... but I'm making progress. I was doing "okay" at the spin-in with Mom watching and teaching me, but when I got home and tried spinning a couple days later.... not so good. In fact, I would go so far as to say I was pathetic.
I have been practicing with a huge bag of "fluff" (new to the spinning terminology - sorry to all you spinners) to practice on. I am getting better.
Here is my first bobbin (which I totally swore at and gave up) next to my second bobbin... Yes, there is progress.

I still have a bunch of the white fluff left to keep practicing.....

which is a good thing because Mom bought me 100g (?) of this cool blue-faced something-or-other. I wrote the name down somewhere but can't find it right this minute. Anyway... I want to get a little better before I attempt spinning the better stuff so I don't just ruin it.

One of the vendors had a Huge ball of that stuff on top of their display. Mom and I were admiring all the different "fluffs" people had for sale and I mentioned that I wanted THAT ball of fluff. While i was spinning away, she snuck over and bought a wad of it for me. :-) Thanks Mom!
I also won a door prize!!! YAY!!! I won some pink fluff. (Merino)
Mom said Merino is harder to spin so I will save it for a while until I'm "ready".